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This system was created to share correct pronunciations of words, using an English-like notation. This is similar to the systems used in many English dictionaries, and should become familiar and easy to use with little time.

Syllables are separated by a hyphen, with the stressed syllable (if any) in bold.


Symbol As in... Examples
b bad, able băd, ā-bəl
č chair, reach čār, rēč
d dim, raid dĭm, rād
f full, craft fɵl, krăft
g gold, leg gōld, lĕg
h hill, adhere hĭl, ăd-hēr
j just, agent jŭst, ā-jĕnt
k corn, shaken kōrn, šā-kən
l learn, pull lûrn, pɵl
m melt, whimper mĕlt, wĭmp-ər
n name, answer nām, ăn-sər
ŋ song, bringer sŏŋ, brĭŋ-ər
p prince, taper prĭns, tāp-ər
r right, bury rīt, bĕr
s sight, lesson sīt, lĕs-ən
š shame, ashes šām, ăš-əs
t timid, utter tĭm-ĭd, ŭt-ər
þ thin, faith þĭn, fāþ
ð brother, then 1 brə-ðər, ðĕn
v very, cover -rē, -vər
w wall, beware wâl, bē-wār
y year, yellow 2 yēr, yĕl
z zoom, crazy zʉm, krā-zē
ž treasure, vision trĕ-žûr, -žən
Symbol As in... Examples
ă cat, after kăt, ăft-ər
ā game, air gām, ār
â tall, father tâl, -ðər
ĕ mend, ever mĕnd, ĕv-ər
ē scene, leap sēn, lēp
ə thunder, amaze 3 þŭn-dər, ə-māz
ĭ swim, inner swĭm, ĭn-ər
ī fine, priceless fīn, prīs-lĕs
ŏ fond, bother fŏnd, -ðər
ō home, below hōm, bē-
ô thought, flawless þôt, flô-lĕs
ɵ good, woman gɵd, -mən
ȣ down, hourly dȣn, ȣr-lē
ƣ voice, boiler vƣs, bƣl-ər
ŭ gut, under gŭt, ŭn-dər
ū fume, view fūm,
û fur, terminal 4 fûr, tûr-mĭn-əl
ʉ moon, rudely mʉn, rʉd-lē

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1 A "soft th", distinct from the "hard" one in E.G. "thorn". (↑)

2 Rarely occurs outside the beginnings of words. (↑)

3 The schwa, a variant vowel sound. Usually enemphasized. (↑)

4 Primarily used before R. (↑)