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– Old Proverb
This project is intended for two things:
The world is being designed as a departure from traditional "humans, elves n' dwarves" fantasy RPG, while avoiding the unfortunate "basically the same but renamed" problem such departures often have. Similarities are inevitable, but this is why the lore and background are receiving such a strong focus. Eventually, the setting may become well-formed enough that it could stand on its own in the fantasy fiction genre... But, let's do this a little at a time. The gameplay is being built more or less backwards from assorted computer RPGs, in terms of mechanics and accessibility. The intention is to minimize the repetitive calculations, (things that would normally be done by code,) and bring more focus onto roleplaying. The ultimate goal is to keep roleplaying and mechanics tied closely together, so everything isn't made of numbers and dice. Even with the lore tied into the gameplay, perhaps the system will one day be suitable for breaking out into other storylines... But again, this will be the focus for now. I'm Paul, and thank you for your interest in my ambitious little RPG! |
Site Copyright 2016–2018 by Paul "NeuralStunner" Fruchey