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To survive a cataclysm, endure centuries of distrust, and still so greatly influence the world around them? A remarkable people, indeed.

The Dranning (Drannish Druan'in [drʉ-ăn-ĭn], "one(s) from Druan") are one of the primary races in the Shatterlands.


The Dranning are very similar to humans, being slightly smaller and slimmer on average. Their lean and nimble build lends itself well to acrobatics and stealth. Angular features, brightly-colored eyes and sharp teeth give them a somewhat "wild" appearance.

The typical Dranning is sociable and curious, a quick thinker who values any kind of mental stimulation. They are well inclined toward magic or mischief, often indulging in both at once. They are also known for their practicality, which serves them well in business and trade. When combat arises, they are more likely to end the fight efficiently than "honorably", which has earned them a poor reputation with many outsiders. Despite this, Dranning influence is prevalent in common culture, especially in technology and language.

They are often known to address one another as "Druan'in", as a way of saying "kinsman". They sometimes address other races by their respective names as well, as an expression of equality and respect. However, they tend to avoid the practice outside of formal or familiar circles, as it may be mistaken as a sign of contempt by unacquainted cultures.


At the height of the Al Athnar civilization, the Dranning (then known by a different name) were more isolated from Humans and other races. In the days leading to the Great Shattering, a prophet named Dru appeared among them, predicting the coming disaster. He was mocked by the citizens of Al Athnar, and soon prohibited from entering any of its major cities. Some of his own people even shunned him, but he gathered those that believed and prepared them to leave the kingdom. The government of Al Athnar gave them neither resistance nor aid as they left, stating that the removal of this "insanity" was welcome.

Dru led the exodus far to the north, and they settled in the mountainous country. Just as he had predicted, the cataclysm arrived, destroying the heart of Al Athnar and taking the lives of those who had cast him out. While he mourned the loss, he admonished his followers to leave behind the selfish ways that had led to the kingdom's downfall. They heeded his words, and (despite his objections) called their new land "Druan" in his honor.

In the wake of the disaster, many of their new neighbors expressed suspicion of Al Athnar's only survivors. As the Dranning proved their intention to share their world and culture with others, most of this distrust faded away.

Category: Races, Player Races